
School, Kachreti


Client:Kachretis Mshenebloba LLC

Start date:Apr 2021
Completion date:Jan 2023
Total Area: 7800 m2
Functional profile: Educational Institution
Address: Gurjaani district, Kachreti village
Author of the architectural project: Manuchar Makhatadze

Kachreti Summer School is located within the territory of the recreational Ambassadori Kachreti Golf Resort complex.

With respect to its central axis, the school’s mirror-like architecture principally is two stories tall, with its attic stories placed over the symmetrically arranged circular bay windows in the portico and edges. The dark-red British bricks used to finish the classic forms of this architectural project are a clear example of traditional British aesthetics. The space also uses a cubic division for windows and doors and incorporates other decorations behind this aesthetic.

The work completed:

• construction of the building structures;
• blockwork;
• installation of engineering networks;
• façade finishing.