

Anagi Group Supports Tsinandali Festival

The Tsinandali International Music Festival has launched at the historic Chavchavadze estate. For the past five years, the festival has been supported by the Anagi Group.

Anagi to carry out restoration of the I. Machabli reading hall

On May 10, a memorandum of collaboration between the National Library and Anagi Construction Company was signed inside the National Parliamentary Library’s Museum of Books.

A symbolic capsule was placed in the foundation of Police City

A capsule planting ceremony was held in connection with the construction of Police City, an area designed for Ministry of Internal Affairs employees.

Anagi is the winner of FIABCI-Georgia Prix d’Excellence Awards 2022

The Batumi football stadium built by Anagi became the gold winner of the “FIABCI-Georgia Prix d'Excellence Awards 2022” in the public infrastructure category.

Anagi Undergoes a Successful Recertification Audit

The leading international certification company Lloyds Register Quality Assurance conducted a recertification audit of the international certifications ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems) at the construction company Anagi in July 2022.